miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018

The female part of your being


A poem by Jordi Ornosa Gispert

For my mother;

I can see through your eyes
how the world revolves around you.
I usually have a hunch
when you stumble upon something of value.
I like to see you when you're happy,
while you raise the victor's cup.
It grieves me when you're sad, I feel
said when things go well.
When you faint I give you my breath,
I try to stop you when you go to a hundred.
I usually take care of you when you're sick,
When you heal I'm better, too.
More than my life I love you very much,
much more than what you want. I am
with you and I will be by your side and I fight
like you for what you want most today.
Admit it, without me you're lost. I am
the feminine part of your being.

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